What's next for Ebony's Photos?
Well, that's a very good question! This past year I've been focusing on nature and sunrises, so I think next year I will photograph more sunsets and different landscapes with of course the occasional beautiful flower photo.
As the new year begins, I hope to adventure around the areas I'm able to and travel to more cool, local places and even find some hidden spots where I can take some great photos. Photographing mountains and mountain top views would also be amazing to accomplish. I think it’s the little moments that make a great picture, so I know to take it slow and just see what happens.
If the 'avalanche hits' so to speak, I’d like to achieve something more for myself and my business. This past year I have created my own website, which felt like a huge deal! I know my work isn’t popular yet, but I’m really proud that I could create a professional platform to share my photos and blog about my thoughts…even having an online shop feels like a great accomplishment within itself, so being able to create something so special is something I'd like to continue to accomplish
During these times, we can’t really predict what I’ll be photographing next year; I just hope it’s going to have heaps of good memories and adventures. Creating great photos of new things and beautiful scenery is definitely in the books!
As this chapter closes and a new one opens, I definitely want to keep on photographing once a month. It's a bit hard to plan ahead, but I know that I'll always keep photographing things that I love to capture.
Bring on the new photographic journey of 2022!!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your new years!
Ebony x