Before and After shots!

This month I'm talking about editing photos and let me just say, oh to joy that we have advance technology to allow us to create more perfect shots than ever! haha

The end result can always change from the back of the camera to the computer... photographers always have 'that thing' of showing the client a preview of the photo vs the end result because photos can change instantly through file types on the computer. For example you can loose colours and shades unknowingly because the RGB changes once you convert those really, each photograph is edited and processed. 

If you reeeaaaallly want to get into editing than I suggest learning about surrealism. It would have to be the most edited form of photography and by far it has the most layers to process. Surrealism can take many forms and it's so much fun to put your imagination into a photo. I'd definitely recommend trying it out and learning new techniques after you develop the simple skills before you dive into something so intricate. 

Personally, I take a lot of landscapes and nature shots, so I don't really edit my photos too much. I make a lot of simple changes to adjust the photo, bringing out the highlights, lowlights and colours are an essential part of my process. 
It also depends on your field of photography. Whether you photograph events, underwater, portraits, weddings, music and even cosplay photography, it all differs in your own personal style and also what your client wants to achieve and create. 

The photos below are my BEFORE and AFTER photos of a sweet lookin' hotrod I saw at GreazeFest. I've chosen this photo to show how affective photoshop can be and how I edit my pics from start to finish.
With this photo I changed quite a bit of things, from the background, lighting settings, contrast, to the composition, sharpness and vignette.
Using photoshop is always a learning process, I still don't know how to use all of the buttons/utilities so it's so much fun to learn and create on something so broad. Photoshop has changed the photography industry for the better, so I would like to tip my hat off to them! 

If you have any questions or comments I'm happy to have a chat with you! Message me if you'd like to know more 

Happy editing! 



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